Thursday, July 17, 2008

Deal of the Year

Yesterday I went to Nagahama to pick up a 32 inch LCD HD TV and surround sound system. A JET teacher who is leaving this year was selling trying to sell them before he went home. If was thinking of buying an HD TV this month anyway so when I saw he was selling his I jumped. After a tiny bit of haggling I got him down to 75,000 yen (about $750) for the set. A deal by any one's standards. I checked a Japanese used electronics specialty website and the cheapest they were offering the same TV for was 100,000. The speakers are 400 bucks new so all toll I got it for just a bit over half price. Probably half if you consider sales tax as well. Monty Hall would be proud.

Setup was a breeze, but I haven't got around to setting up the speakers. Playstation games look fantastic as do sports broadcasts. Can't wait to watch the Olympics on it.

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